Explora® by Drillco®Your partner in exploration discoveries
Let’s face it: exploring for new ore deposits is tough life. You have to deal with long periods away from home, remote locations, connectivity, weather conditions, complex drilling setups, just to name a few. And then there’s the rock. Fragmentation, abrasiveness, presence of quartz, unevenness, varying hardness, water, among others, makes obtaining a clean and dry sample a complex procedure. But when that discovery finally comes, it all pays off. Financially, of course, but professionally and personally as well.
Revolutionizing Exploration Drilling: The Next Generation of Reliability and Efficiency.
In an occupation as complex as exploration drilling, only the best can do the job. That’s why at Drillco® we have dedicated the past four years to designing a game-changing exploration hammer. One that will bring you back a highly reliable dry sample, every time. One that won’t fail. That will keep drilling, even under mud or water presence. One that will require minimum maintenance.
And we have equipped it with an additional feature, an extended- useful life system: increased useful life bit, sample tube and internal components, providing market-leading performance for a significant improvement in drilling autonomy. That’s because we understand just how precious the actual drilling time is – and how any downtime or delay can be catastrophic.
Elevate Efficiency
What you can expect from the New Explora® by Drillco® Hammer.
Highly reliable dry sample recovery, up to 98%.
The Hammer that keeps drilling, even under mud or water presence.
Increased bit useful life for longer drilling autonomy.
Constant sample recovery, regardless of drilling conditions.
Most convenient cost per meter alternative.
Sample tube features extended useful life as compared to existing alternatives, as a consequence of proprietary air flow design and abrasive cuttings flow, reducing wear of internal components.
Optimal balance between drilling speed, minimum wear and reliable clean sample recovery.
Significant reduction of the overall drilling cycle cost due to performance improvements and internal components extended useful life, greatly improving ROP.

global value innovations
Mining Magazine Innovation Award 2022, Mining Exploration Category.
But hey, don’t trust us. We are the engineers who designed and manufactured the Explora® RC Hammer after all. Just hear out the many drillers who trust their Puma’s with the job.
This recognition highlights the main worldwide innovations launched during the year in the categories of Fleet & Equipment, Operations & Safety, Production & Maintenance, Emissions Reductions, Indigenous Relations, ESG, Safety, Mineral Processing, Software, Drill & Blast, Load & Haul, Bulk handling, Mining Services and Exploration. In its latest edition, the winners include Siemens, Liebherr, Thiess, Hexagon, and Metso Outotec, which positions Drillco among the companies that are developing high-value innovations for the global mining industry.